Mother's Day Giveaway
Share about a special woman who helped you grow...
Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 12. We invite you to share about a special woman in your life who helped you grow spiritually. This can be a woman you fondly remember, or who may still be a part of your life today. In addition to honoring those special women on our website, we may read a few submissions on the air AND you could win our Mother's Day Giveaway package featuring gift cards to Hoerr Nursery and Hobby Lobby, a WBNH T-shirt, two We The Kingdom tickets for May 11, and more!
Winner will be randomly drawn and announced on Friday, May 10th at 8:05am.
Thank you for sharing, and for many wonderful Christian sisters all over central Illinois – Happy Mother’s Day!
Testimonies about the special women in your lives...
My mother is in heaven now, but she was a woman of God. She always encouraged me to read the Bible and other books to help me in my Christian Walk. She also kept a prayer journal. That is something I can still look back at and be inspired by. She was a wonderful example for me and my siblings growing up. I miss her but am comforted knowing she is at the feet of Jesus. -Shari from Morton
My mom is 94 years old and continues to be an example of faith and God's love. -Linda from Bloomington
My Mom is a solid Christian rock for my Dad and I. For years I have battle depression, sometimes life threatening. And my Dad has had unexplained health issues for many years and had to quit his business because of it. We've been to ample amount of doctors who couldn't always figure out what was wrong with us. But my Mom kept the faith for my Dad and I and continues to stand by our side. -Dan from Normal
My late mother was the godliest woman I ever knew. She had us is tow every Sunday attending church. She always had bedtime prayers and Bible stories when we went to bed. And as an adult, I came to know that if anyone knew God, she did. She frequently had Moody radio playing in the background in the eve as we waited for my dad’s 3-11 shift to end. I’m so many ways she pointed her family toward right living. She loved the Lord and loved us unconditionally. We rise up as the scripture says and call her blessed. -Jill from Pekin
My daughter keeps me grounded and continually points me to Jesus, she makes me better person -Cheryl from Mackinaw
My Mom Lucy turns 97 May 17, and is still encouraging people in her retirement home with prayer, words from God, and practical help. Barely out of nursing school she welcomed me to the world and soon moved with 3 young children to fulfill her missionary call in Taiwan. Mom spent 38 years mothering 6 kids and many 'adopted children' in Taiwan who still call her Mom. When you met Mom on the street she was likely to ask you, "And what can I do for YOU today?" Her heart is still in the same place and her attitude is sunshine and flowers in her assisted living center. She persisted in serving God and others through several tragedies and many trials but didn't give up on joy or love, and is eagerly looking forward to her first tour of Heaven with Dad and my 2 brothers. -Anne from Bloomington
My mother, Mildred Hillard living at Accolade Nursing Home . Her smile still radiates Jesus' Love when she is able to greet me as I come weekly. Dementia is not able to stop a mother's deeply woven love for her children: It Is hard many days as we cannot communicate like we used to. But some days we sing hymns from the church hymn -Kathleen from Peoria
My wife Jan is an incredible mother of our two children Jason and Melissa. Jason was born first and he had to stay a few days because it’s health issue when Melissa was born on 1-1-1983 she was not breathing because Rhein m z a -Gary from pekin
Judie Beaty (bay-tee) has been a godly woman of faith for 59 years and 11 months as my wife and ministry partner. She has significantly influenced my spiritual vibrancy and continues to do so today. -Frank from BLOOMINGTON
My wife, Leanne Sommer, is a wonderful Christian woman. In 40+ years, her Christ-like character shines. At one point, she became my caregiver and advocate when I had Cancer. She put it all in God's hands. She nurtured and guided our daughter and grandchildren towards the Lord. She shows grace and mercy constantly. She has stood by me, through all my journeys, good and bad! I crossed the line to Jesus through her witness. -Matt from Morton
My older sister Cheri is remembered for many things… her funny wit, sense of humor, compassion, love of serving the Lord, her ministry to sex trafficked women, but mostly for me, her spiritual guidance given to me and so many other women. She led the path for me to get involved in church which led to my salvation at age 13. We sang duets together in church, she led me in to a deeper, more spiritual walk with Jesus. I miss her every day. I know she is now singing & dancing with Jesus and one day we will meet up together in heaven and who knows…. Maybe even sing a few duets together with Jesus as our conductor!! -Sandy from East Peoria